OneMind Dogs - From the Dog's Perspective

Nga Bustamante sharing her story of online learning | Episode 4

OneMind Dogs Season 1 Episode 4

Nga Bustamante is a retired chemist who lives in Sydney with her husband and two little dogs. Nga grew up in a small village in Vietnam and always lived in a house with lots of animals: dogs, cats, chickens, ducks & pigs. 

Her first dog was a fox terrier Sooty who lived a long life of 15 years. Soon after Sooty passed away, Nga found another Fox Terrier, Pepe, with whom she started training actively in obedience and agility. With her current dog, Poco Nga has learned to train with OneMind Dogs’ online service and has learned a lot through the guided courses. 

In this episode, we will hear an interesting story of Nga and how she found OneMind Dogs while she was traveling in Chile ten years ago. 

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